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Part-1 basic introduction to VHDL, Simulation and Synthesis tools and basic topics.

Generic Introduction to the topic (VHDL, FPGA)
1.1   - Initial Example, Basic VHDL compilation unit, Compile and Simulate Behaive
1.2   - Logical Gates and Operations in architecture.
1.3   - Internal signals and bit_vector
1.4   - Synthesis introduction and example
1.5   - Introduction numeric data type and thier synthesis
1.6   - Introduction to package in VHDL and IEEE std_logic data type
1.7   - std_logic_vector with arithmetic operations.
1.8   - Introduction to process and variables in VHDL
1.9   - Conditional statments in process (if\elsif\else)
1.10 - Conditional statments in architecture.
1.11 - Four Examples of Mux 16->1 using process and without.

Part-2 Introduction to Basic Synchronic Design

Basic Concepts of Synchronic Design, practice more capability
2.1 - Initial Example of Sync Design ( intro to sync design 1)
2.2- Sync Counter with sync reset ( intro to sync design 2)
2.3 - Adding sync count enable ( intro to sync design 3)
2.4 - Counter that can chage direction( intro to sync design 4)
2.5 - Example of shift register with sync reset

Part-3 Introduction Structual H\W description, H\W duplications in process and architecture

Creation of H\W by connecting it from components
3.1 - connecting H\W using components
3.2 - duplication of H\W in architecture with component
3.3 - duplication of H\W using loop in process

Part-4 Introduction of Arrays and Memory Devices, practice of previus topics

Examples of Arrays and Memory
4.1 - Example of array of std_logic_vector with ROM 2x4
4.2 - Example 4K BYTE with mixed initialization, Building 16K BYTE ROM from 4 4K BYTE
    Part-5 Writing generic HDL, combination of previus topics, Test Bench Introduction

Generics HDL, complex logic Example and its Simulation
5.1 - generic sizes, and usage as components.
5.2 - General Purpose Counter-Register combinated Example.
5.3 - Simple Test Bench for simple Logic Design Example
5.4 - using process benifits for better testing (MISC loops)

Part-6 Introduction to State Machine

State Machine
6.1 - generic sizes, and usage as components.
6.2 - General Purpose Counter-Register combinated Example.

Part-7 Advanced Test bench with ATPG - Pattern Like Simulations

VHDL records for hetrogen arrays and Pattern Like process (using multi dimential arrays )
7.1 - VHDL record as composite data type
7.2 - record\multi-array test pattern for State Machine