Example writted in VHDL compiled with Modelsim - adding sync reset - we have async reset before the main sync condition (rising_edge(clk)) - we can also use clk'event and clk = '1' however because we use std_logic if can cause problems with simulation of weak values like 'L' and 'H' while rising_edge(clk) support std_logic data type, also most of the Synthesis tools Like quartos have direct support for this function. (here tested on 17.1 Lite) |
Source Code![]() |
Instruction to compile 1. open modelsim and ensure you are in the directory where counter1.vhd is 2. write vlib work (if already did you can skip, if u not skip command will not do anything) 3. to compile write vcom counter2 then you will see that modelsim will load your VHDL file and compile it , modelsim will store in work folder data that is relevant to the compilation |
Modelsim console![]() |
to run simulation of the system 1. write vsim %nameOfEntity% (no .vhd extention) 2. to see the waveforms write add wave * the * mean that it will add all the ports\inputs. 3. force CLK 0 , 1 50 ns -r 100 ns it will make the clock signal (repeated) 4. force RST_N 0 , 1 100 ns will put RST_N to 0 for 100 ns then to '1'. 5. force RST 0 - we want to use sync reset later 6. run 1000 ns will run for 1000 ns 7. force RST 1 set sync reset to 1 8. run 100 ns let it run for 1 cycle to reset the count. 9. force RST 1 set sync reset to 0 10. run 1000 ns continue count again. |
Loading counter2 to modelsim simulator![]() |
Waveform note that when sync reset is '1' then counter is reset "0000". |
Waveform of Counter2![]() |