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VHDL - 5.1 - generic sizes, and usage as components.

Generic Sizes\Devices
VHDL allow to use generic size Element and\or elemetns that can be custumized by user.

using generic statment we can create parametrized inputs\outputs that can be defined in during the component usage and it also have default value.
Example of the AND with 5 inputs

Waveform of AND with 5 inputs
we used simple modelsim commands as example is very simple
Waveform of AND with 5 inputs
Using Flexible AND Gate as componenet
the main purpose of generic statment is to make a component generic (or "flexible"), this improve VHDL capability by making the launguage much stronger.

Note - there is credefined packages that have generic devices for general usage like LPM package.

in this example we

1. declated GEN_AND as component in the declarative part of the arhictecture

2. used it 3 times - it mandory to use label when calling a component.

3. we used the generic map key to setup the new size of every component.

4. when using generic map before the part map we dont use ";"
Example of 3 different AND gates by using flexible and

Waveform of 3 different AND gates
we use one 15 bit input and used slices of it to useas imput for the GEN_AND gates.

we used TCL script to run simulation
vcom GEN_AND.vhd
vcom MISC_ANDS.vhd
add wave *
force INPUT 000111101111111
run 100 ns
force INPUT 111000011111111
run 100 ns
force INPUT 011000011111110
run 100 ns
force INPUT 111000100000001
run 100 ns
force INPUT 111111111111111
run 100 ns
Waveform of AND with 5 inputs

Synthesis of GEN_AND Gate and the overview of logic that usegenerate statment
Synthesis of GEN_AND Gate
we will use EP4CE6E22C6 Cyclone 4 FPGA to for synthesis of GEN_AND gate

also observe that we used only 2 logic elements from the Device.

in RTL we can see that whatever defined as default value of generic statment is what Synthesis tool (Quartos) decide to generate, we can see that we used 2 LOGIC_CELL_COMB as each of them can create upto 4 gate AND and the input have 5 then we used 2 of the LOGIC_CELL_COMB to synthsize the logic.
Example of RTL view

Below are the way how Quartos arrange LUTs

Generic values for synthesis must be constrained
of we decide to remove the default assignment in the generic statment.

then Quartos will not be able to sinthesis it, as Quartos done know what lenght of the AND gate you will need. when using generics in synthesis need to have either

● generic with default value in the VHDL file of the component.
● when using component with generic value define it in the generic map

Quartos fail because GEN_AND not default size not defined.
Example when synthesize a logic that use constrained components
the synthesis of MISC_ANDS will work as during instantiation of the component in the generic map we used

need to set MISC_ANDS as top-level entity in quartos before try to synthesize it.

obviesly will be used more LOGIC_CELLs
Example of RTL of MISC_ANDS

Example of RTL of MISC_ANDS