Numeric data types in VHDL VHDL provide multiple types of numeric data types, in general VHDL designed for simulation of logic systems so obvies that not all of the datatypes are be able to be synthesized, in general Synthesis S\W need to transfer the data types to wires, for example asuume we have an input port of integer data type and it constrained (limited) to be from 0 to 15 Synthesis S\W may represent it as 4 bit binary line. we will discuess during this architecle in deep. VHDL data types for numbers 1) integer data types - contain signed and unsigned integers from -2^31 to 2^31 - 1. 2) real data types - contain the floating point data type. Notes a. VHDL not allow automatic cast (it strongly typed HDL) there force it illigal to assign integer value in to real port\signal. b. integer data type have 2 subtypes natural that contain all numbers 0,1,2.... and positive whitch exclude the zero (1,2,3...) as mention synthesis will be discussed seperatly and the example from right is NOT synthesizable as real is not supported (tested with Quartos 17.1) |
Example of calculation of Circle Area and Lenght![]() Note that we casted the RADIUS by read(RADIUS) also we can cast the whole expression, in addition note that when calculating and assign to real datatype we cannot use discreat integer numbers directly but we used then as real (2.0 instead of 2). The integer data type is constrained and limited from 0 to 100. |
Compile and simulate 1.we used force\run commands to execute simulation 2. observe the waive form for MISC integer data type. Notice about simulation we cannot use values that exceed what we constained, the modelsimm tool will not let us to continue simulations. ![]() |
Modelsim console![]() |
The Example with Circle Area and Peremeter is not synthesisable, if we try to synthesisze it we will encounter with Error Note It seems that if we make the real data type constant it somehow synthesisable. |
failure of synthesis of real data type![]() |
Synthesus of numberic datatypes It possible to synthesize with any issue a constrained integer data type. Lets take simple calculator that add 2 integer numbers and lets contrain then to be 1 byte size by using the range keyword we will limit from 0 to 255 (1 Byte = 8 bit). to write HDL tha support synthesis 1. ensure you use data-types that synthesis friendly (synthesis translate everything in bits). 2. your data types must be constrained - synthesis S\W may have trouble when size not defined or may overuse the resources for redunded logic as it will try to synthesis to maximum lenght that availalbe in the spesific FPGA. 3. use defined operators\funtions - not all the functions\operations are supported by synthesis. (functions will be discussed later). ![]() when Synthesis S\W do synthesis it compare the VHDL code to its known templates and will generate the most optimal logic possible for the system we want. |
VHDL code![]() Example of waveform ![]() RTL view ![]() Technology map view(partly) ![]() |