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8255 IO Controller

General Introduction

8255 is an Programmable IO Controller that originally designed to work with 8085/8086/8088 Microprosessors. the Chip simplify the control of multiple IO devices instead of using MUXing technics on the IO mapping IO

the 8255 connected with 8086 CPU using Read\Write Logic Pins ( RD_N, WR_N ) and Data BUS
it have 3 ports PA, PB and PC, that devided in to 2 groups.
8255 Pins Scematics

Pins Discription
● Data BUS Lane (D 0-7) connected to the Data BUS of 8086 System

● Read\Write Logic Control Pins -
      WR_N and RD_N connect to CPU WR_N and RD_N
      CS used to disable enable the Controller

High Level Diagram

Example of 8255 VHDL Entity (with connect of pins)

Integration with 8086 CPU in a Computer system